Monday, April 16, 2012

Newborn Photos

I became a grandmother on March 19, 2012. There is no more feeling of joy than seeing a child of your own have their own children. Its the proper order of things and I could not be more proud. Of course, as a photography I have wanted to take Newborn photos for a long time now.  How to go about it?  Information on how to do it can be found on the internet. I had seen a video of a person who makes a living taking photos of newborns and was able to see how she sets up her studio and how she gets the adorable pictures of newborns a la Anne Getty.
William in the hospital

One of the conditions is that the baby has to be under 10 days old. I photographed on the 10th day. The reason for this is that up to the 10th day, there are times during the day when the child goes into such deep slumber that you can position the feet and the hands as you see fit. Its tricky because the child will look like he/she is asleep but is easily awoken. Patience.
Bunny William smiles

It was just before Easter when we photographed and we were able to get the baby to wear the bunny ears. A few days after that first photo shoot I had some crocheted hats that looked really cute and hoped to get some photos with the baby wearing those. That was not as successful. The reason in this case is that the baby would fall into a sleep but the rest of the household desperately needed to take advantage of the sleeping baby and we did not want to disturb his sleep at all costs.
Angelic William

The experience was remarkable.  A remarkable subject.